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Thursday, January 17, 2008

The Signal - February 2008

The Signal - February 2008

A science fiction horror film told in three parts from three perspectives in which a mysterious transmission invades every cell phone, radio and TV, turning people into killers. The film was shot in three parts (called "transmissions") that were made by different directors without input from the other two during the shoot. As a result, all parts feel different: one a splatter-movie, one a darkly comedic mystery-love story, one a thriller.

Directors: David Bruckner, Dan Bush and Jacob Gentry
Writers: David Bruckner, Dan Bush and Jacob Gentry
Release Date: February 22, 2008
Rating: R
Genre: Horror

  • Chad McKnight as Jim Parsons
  • Cheri Christian as Anna
  • A. J. Bowen as Lewis Denton
  • Claire Bronson as Sightless Woman
  • Tracy Martin as Angry woman
  • Scott Poythress as Clark
  • Anessa Ramsey as Mya Denton
  • Christopher as Thomas Ken
  • Steve Warren as Pajama Man
  • Justin Welborn as Ben

A horror film told in three parts from three perspectives, in which a mysterious transmission which invades every cell phone, radio and TV, turing people into killers.

1 comment:

Mark said...

Here's an interview with the directors of the signal:
check it out